12 Chewing Gums in Blister
12 Chewing Gums in Blister with the possibility of printing (your logo).
12 original sugarfree Orbit chewing gums
- packed in transparent blisters sealed with aluminum foil
- inside cardboard boxes with promotional print
- for larger orders the aluminum foil can include promotional print (1-2 colours) (additional fee applies)
- available flavours: strongmint, spearmint, other flavours after inquiry
- also available in boxes made of gold, silver or holographic silver cardboard with logos, graphics and texts embossed directly into the box
- Weight: 22 g
- Box size: 104x74x12 mm
- Blister size: 100×70 mm
- Shelf life: 10 months
- Minimum order quantity: 500 pcs. (digital print, offset print)