
Bonbons with individual promotional print, different sizes, different tastes and a lot of addings. Just ask!
Sweet promotional items make your advertising a success! Look at sweet products in our eshops – and Discover now the variety of possibilities to inspire your customers and potential new customers with sweet promotional candies for your brand and your products.

Candy-Can Slim Edition, Sleeve
Candy-Can Slim Edition, Sleeve Plastic candy can with promotional print filled with sweets Product size: 85 mm, Ø 57 mm / 52 mm, Ø 57 mm Minimum order: 500 / 528 pcs Filling: unwrapped sweets, cherry hearts, mixed herbs, supermint South, Seas hearts, fruit mixture, premium jelly bears, raspberry drops.

Candy-Can Slim Edition, Sleeve

Promotional Display-Box
Display-Box Midi The display box with promotional print for lots of our tasty products Promotional Display-Box Product size: 78 x 130 x 65 mm Minimum order: 120 pcs

Display-Box Midi

Mini-Candies, flow-packed
Mini-Candies, flow-packed Mini-Candies flowpacked with promotional print Weight: 2,16 g Minimum order: 50 kg Flavour: fruit mix The foil can be transparent or metalic.1-4 colours print

Mini-Candies, flow-packed

Mini-Candies, double twist Mini-Candies in personalised foil with promotional print Weight: 2,16 g Minimum order: 50 kg Flavour: fruit mix The foil can be transparent or metalic.1-4 colours print

Mini-Candies, double twist

Candies, flow-packed in personalized foil
Candies, flow-packed Candies, flow-packed in personalized foil Product size: 50 x 23 mm Weight: 4 g Minimum order: 50 kg Flavour: fruit Colour of foil: white, transparent, silver

Candies, flow-packed

Mints Uno in foil with promotional print
Meeting Mints Uno Mints Uno in foil with promotional print Product size: 50 x 23 mm Weight: 1,8 g Minimum order: 32 000 pcs Flavour: mint

Meeting Mints Uno

Silver round tin filled with bonbons in foil
MiniTin Silver round tin filled with bonbons Silver round tin filled with bonbons in foil Product size: Ø 85 x 94 mm Weight: 125 g Minimum order: 36 pcs


Reklamní dárková krabička s bonbóny v lesklé fólii v šesti barvách
Presentation Box Promotional presentation box with candies in stylish foil Presentation Box with a transparent lid Additional promotional inlay inside Product size: 80 x 80 x 80 mm Weight: 100 g Minimum order: 144 pcs Flavour: fruit mix

Presentation Box

Papírová krabička s potiskem plná bonbónků ve tvaru srdíčka
BonBox Classy packaging made of white glossy board with window filled with unwrapped nostalgic shaped candy Classy packaging made of white glossy board Classy packaging with unwrapped nostalgic shaped candy Product size: 70 x 37 x 27 mm Weight: 20 g Minimum order: 1 008 pcs Flavour: mollen wine


Kulatá plechovka s bonbónky s příchutí svařeného vína
Midi-Sweet-Box, print Good-value promotional sweets with the Best-Value-Box Product size: 25 mm, Ø 75 mm Weight: 65 g Minimum order: 300 pcs Flavour: mulled wine

Midi-Sweet-Box, print

Plastová krabička s vlastním designem s cukrovinkami
Top Can Christmas bonbons in can with promotional print Product size: Ø 35 mm, v 55 mm / Ø 45 mm, v 75 mm Weight: 25 g / 55 g Minimum order: 1 056 ks / 1 078 Flavour: mulled wine

Top Can