Chewing Gum

Promotional chewing gum packed in tins, separately or upon client’s or agency request. Jusk ask!
Sweet promotional items make your advertising a success! Look at sweet products in our eshops – and Discover now the variety of possibilities to inspire your customers and potential new customers with promotional chewing gums for your brand and your products.

Plátkové žvýkačky v reklamní krabičce
Chewing Gum- Box Chewing gum inside elegant cardboard boxes with promotional print Chewing gum wrapped in silver laminate and promotional labels Product size: 78 x 22 x 18 mm Weight: 18 g Minimum order: 1 200 pcs

Chewing Gum- Box

Reklamní plátkové žvýkačky
Chewing Gum- Leafs Chewing gum in silver laminate and label with promotional print.   Promotional chewing gum Weight: 3 g Minimum order: 2 000 pcs Flavour: mint, fruit

Chewing Gum- Leafs

Mentos žvýkačka v reklamním obalu
Mentos Gum in flowpack mentosGum in flowpack with promotional print 1 sugar-free chewing gum Product size: 25 x 54 mm Weight: 1,5 g Minimum order: 10 000 pcs

Mentos Gum in flowpack

Žvýkačky mentos v blistru s reklamním přebalem
Mentos Gum Peppermint 12 mentos sugarfree chewing-gums in blister 12 mentos sugarfree chewing-gums in promotional blister Product size: 90 x 68 x 9 mm Weight: 17,5 g Minimum order: 1 080 pcs

Mentos Gum Peppermint

Plastová krabička se žvýkačkami
Fresh Box 50 g of sugar-free chewing gum in promotional box Plastic box with chewing gum Product size: 28 x 28 x 12 mm Weight: 50 g Minimum order: 500 pcs Flavour: mint

Fresh Box

promotion chewing gum
Chewing Gum Blister Chewing Gum Blister 12 pcs. with promotional print Chewing Gum Blister 12 pcs. Product size: 58 x 116 x 8 mm Minimum order: 1 000 pcs Flavour: mint

Chewing Gum Blister

Chewing Gum
2 Pack 2 pcs. of sugar-free chewing gum or 2 “Mint & More” pastilles   2 mint sweets in promotional pack Product size: 72 x 60 mm Minimum order: 5 000 pcs Flavour: mint  

2 Pack

Různé cukrovinky v reklamní krabičce
Mini Rectangular Tin Pastilles in Mini Rectangular Tin with promotional print Pastilles in Mini Rectangular Tin Product size: 64 x 50 x 18 mm Minimum order: 200 pcs Content: oval powder pastilles (mint), mini powder pastilles (mint), “Minis” pastilles (mint, fruit), sugar-free pastilles (mint)

Mini Rectangular Tin

Žvýkačky 6 ks v blistru a v papírové krabičce
Trend Chewing-Gum with Xylitol Trend sleeve, containing one 6pc chewing gum blister Product size: 59 x 63 x 8 mm Weight:  8,4 g Minimum order: 1 000 pcs Flavour: mint

Trend Chewing-Gum with Xylitol